A Guide to Magiqual Terms Used in the Six Realms

Arcturian Magique:

Terraemotus- Shatter the earth
Impetu caeli- Wind, blow the leaves
Protegee militia mein- Create a shield to protect me
Amnis torentia- Torential downpour
Aqua prifma- Water prism
Protegee militiae eius en Rex Dominus- Create a shield to protect me and my king
Nebulosis vallis: Fog the valley
Alatis figuella Casus Poren: Hasten Cassius Poren’s steps
Ego vocare Augnasta. Decimate inimusuc meus: I summon Augnasta. Decimate my enemies
Obligmaus nos, obsignatorum lingua eius: Bind us, keep our tongues sealed
Hebes hoc ferrarum: Blunt this blade
Ego vocare Slythium: I summon Slythium
Praisideo figuella: Protect person
Fiernone: Fire
Protegee militiae eius en familla: Create a shield to protect me and my comrades
Fiernone ardenti pluvial: Fire wisp
Acidium Aqua: Acid water
Soth de morra: Thank you, return home
Sator: Papa

Luzian Maqique

Revillier: Revive
Etnicelle: Spark and suture
Cessare: Cease